Is it safe to take a Taxi now?
Taxi during coronavirus
With many countries opening back up from Covid-19 lock down restrictions we have been getting a lot of questions around whether or not it is now safe to take a taxi. Well there is always some risk involved with leaving your house while the Coronavirus is still present we feel that taking a taxi is now fairly safe so long as you follow the below recommendations.
Always wear a mask and bring hand Sanitiser
While wearing a mask may seem like basic knowledge, it is extra important that you wear your mask while in a confined space such as a taxi. We also suggest that you use your hand sanitiser after touching anything in the taxi, such as the car door handle or the credit card machine.
Sit in the back of the car.
Again, this will feel like common knowledge to most regular taxi users but putting the extra distance between you and the driver right now is extra important.
Load your own luggage and belongings into the car
At this time do not make your driver get out of the car to greet you or load/unload your luggage!
Avoid riding in large groups.
Try to only take a taxi with those who you have been quarantining with to reduce risk. The less people per taxi ride also reduces the risk significantly for the driver and also yourself.
Pay with your credit card.
We recommend paying and tipping via credit card to avoid hand to hand contact with the driver. Just make sure to either wipe down the credit card machine first and/or use hand sanitiser after!
Finally, do not take a taxi if you have any Covid symptoms or have recently been exposed to a person who has tested positive for Covid-19!
GusHanson believes its very safe now to take a taxi provided the above precautions and guidelines are observed.
Call or WhatsApp today on 0719281928 for a Private taxi & Lets get you moving *Safely*

*Stay Safe and Stay Alive.*